Learn Power Chords & Play Brain Stew by Green Day – A Guitar Lesson for Beginners


Today I’m going to show you how to play Brain Stew by Green Day. This song is a great beginners song if you’ve just started learning how to play power chords. Even though the song is tuned down a half step, I’ll show you how to do it with my guitar that’s tuned in standard.

To play the power chord, go to the sixth string fifth fret with your first finger and then take your ring finger and go to the seventh fret of the fifth string. Then take your pinky and go to the seventh fret of the fourth string. When you strum, make little small swipes with your wrist and don’t strum the bottom three strings – just the top two or three. You can also play the power chord without your pinky, but I usually advise pressing on the top three strings and playing the top couple. If you accidentally hit the fourth string, you’ll still be okay as long as you don’t hit any further than that.

Once you’ve made your power chord, you’re ready to move on to the song. Move from the fifth fret, strum it twice and then move to the next chord. And you’re on your way to playing Brain Stew!

I hope this tutorial has helped you learn how to play Brain Stew by Green Day. Check out the video for a more in-depth look at how to make a power chord and play the song. With practice, you’ll be playing it in no time!

If you’re looking to become a better guitar player, check out what other guitar players are saying about improving their skills at GuitarZoom.com. You can also learn the basics and fundamentals of guitar from Stevestine.com and then dive deeper into chords and progressions. With practice and dedication, you’ll be playing like a pro in no time!