Explore Your Fretboard: How to Unleash Your Creative Potential on Guitar


I’m a musician, and I’m here to tell you that writing music isn’t just about knowing the theory and the scales – it’s about playing around on your instrument and exploring the fretboard. Music is a creative outlet, and it’s important to have fun with it and not take it too seriously.

When I was first starting out, I was intimidated by my fretboard and I was scared of writing riffs that sucked. But I soon realized that it doesn’t take a ton of knowledge to write a great riff, it just takes understanding the methodology of what you’re trying to create.

For me, music is split into two worlds – the world of theory and the world of creativity. Sure, I have to think logically and learn the theory sometimes, but other times I’m just playing around and experimenting with my instrument. That’s where I find the most enjoyment in music.

You don’t have to know the dorian scale inside and out to write music, but you do need to have a sense of groove and an understanding of how to create something that sounds cool. That’s where the fun comes in.

So don’t be intimidated by your fretboard. Have fun with it and explore the sounds that you can create. You may be surprised by what you come up with.

If you’re looking to take your guitar playing to the next level, click here to see what other guitar players are saying about GuitarZoom.com. Additionally, I suggest taking a look at my blog, Stevestine.com, which has a wealth of information on topics ranging from basics and fundamentals to improvisation and scales and soloing. Click here for an overview of the kinds of topics I cover. With the right guidance and practice, you’ll be able to take your playing to the next level!